Two Weeks


Two weeks. That’s all that rests of my obligations as an English teaching assistant. One week on either side of my upcoming two week Easter vacation. Um… how is this possible!? The past six months have slipped away so quickly. Some days it feels like I’ve been here forever, and others it feels like I just arrived. I’ll likely still be in Europe for the next two or three months (depending on what happens with some summer job applications), but this time will no doubt pass by just as quickly. I’m feeling a bit conflicted about the imminent end of my year abroad, but I’m mostly at ease with the idea. Giving up extravagant European adventures, delicious French cuisine, and my twelve hour work week won’t be easy, but I am very much ready to see family and friends again. But enough about that for now. There is still time, and I plan to make the most of it!

It’s also been two weeks (and a few days) since I started my new photography project. It’s crazy to think that I’m only on day 18 of 365, but I’m pleased with how it’s been going so far. I’ve been discovering a lot about my camera, photoshop, and myself.

Day 12

Day 13: Spring has sprung

Day 14: Day trip to the beautiful Ile de Bréhat

Day 15: The aftermath of a sunny day on the island, sans sunscreen

Day 16: levitating in the backyard

Day 17: Feets

Celebrating Erinn's birthday with a bbq chez moi


Bisous bisous

One response

  1. Well, Stephen, when you said you were going to take a photo of yourself every day, I imagined something entirely different. However, your photos are much better than what I imagined. And I must say, I like your photos very much. Please do keep up the good work. Love and miss you.

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